1/13/2015.  Our concierge told me to go to Chinatown before 6pm because after sunset it's packed.  The kids and I took an easy subway ride there.  The migrant history museum everyone raves about was closed for renovation.  So we wandered through stalls of merch.  It's the exact same stuff as in NYC.  Except the fruit is huge because we're in the tropics.

After I bought Max a pocket magnifying glass and a book, Francesca hurled herself onto a display table of jade gewgaws because I refused to buy her any of the crap she wanted.  Time to change the channel.  We stepped up to a shaved ice dessert counter.  I ordered the Sweet Corn Milk Ice.  The guy tried to shortchange me and pretended he didn't understand English when I asked for the correct change.  I pointed to a sign that said "Chinatown Business Bureau →" and he coughed up my money.

I was swearing under my breath.  The kids were fighting over a seat.  We'd been outside for hours in the muggy 95 degree heat.  Then we dug in.  Wow.  All was forgotten.

Here's the guessed-at recipe:

  1. Shave some ice.
  2. Drain a can of yellow corn kernels.
  3. Add half a small can of sweetened condensed milk to corn, stir.
  4. Dump corn and milk mixture over ice.

Soon after that we found a bakery that kinda reminded me of Fay Da back home in our Chinatown.  I asked what things were. "What's Mo Lo So?"  The woman: "Oh, locusts." Me: "Locusts?" I made a hopping motion with my hand.  "Yes, locusts."  Me: "You mean lotus?"  Her: "Yes, locust.  You know!  Flower!  Locust."  Me: "Ahh!  I'll have two."  Turns out locusts are delicious.

