friday KL2

1/16/2015.  So just what is Professor Dorktastic doing while I'm refereeing the kids in museums and catching vomit in the back seat of a cab?  Let's take a moment out of our regularly programmed show to find out!

JR:  So Jon, how did you spend the week in Singapore? Who was the most interesting person you met, the best insights?

JH:  Mostly giving talks or preparing talks.  Alex Au, an activist for the rights of transient laborers, opened my eyes to how such workers get exploited.  

JR:  Speaking of transient laborers, what were your impressions of Abu Dhabi?  Dubai?  It's hard to look at all that construction and not think of men working overtime and sleeping 6 to a room.

JH:  Yes, this is the dark side of globalization.  There are hundreds of millions of desperately poor people willing to leave their families in the hopes of sending money back.  But in the UAE they're far from their loved ones, and they are easy prey for "recruiters" and employers.

JR:  Yesterday you gave a talk called "Can money really buy happiness?"  What do you say?

JH:  Yes--especially if you spend it on experiences rather than material possessions.  And if you use the money to enhance your relationships or your sense of control.  Happiness is more relevant in Singapore than in the UAE, because the government is much more reflective about social policy.  National prosperity is more widely shared.  

JR:  What have you changed your mind about since leaving the US?

JH:  I have a lower opinion of democracy and a higher opinion of freedom of speech.

And there it is.  You saw it here first, well before the book comes out in 2019.

Tomorrow we leave Singapore for Kuala Lumpur.  Here's a picture I took tonight strolling around after dinner.  I loved the look on that girl's face.  Even after I took the picture I stood outside the glass watching her laugh.


bye bye singapore2